At Learna Heartland, we provide Math, Science, Reading, Writing & French tutoring in an interactive environment with the help of experienced teachers to enable your child to excel. The Learna method focuses on understanding and application rather than drill. It was developed by expert educators of Canada to take your child along an individualized learning path to success. Your child will love learning at Learna Heartland and will thrive at school. The key to the success of our Learna method is that it identifies and automatically adapts to the strengths or weaknesses of your child in learning various concepts.
The Challenge: In order to progress through a concept level in the curriculum, a child must achieve a certain minimum standard (in terms of speed and accuracy) in each activity corresponding to that concept.

The Centre was approved in 2007, for delivering TOEFL iBT testing by ETS and since then has been administering approximately 40 tests successfully every year. TOEFL is the world's largest English Language Testing Network.
During the course of time, apart from tutoring, LEARNA HEARTLAND CENTRE started providing various other need and value based educational services to adults and new Canadians as well, as the demand rose with the influx of new immigrants in the surrounding areas.
The centre is engaged in the following activities:
• Teaching English, Math, Science, French ( K. to Gr.12)
• Creative Writing & Writing Skill development programs.
• Basic Computers for new immigrants, seniors and housewives
• Art programs for adults and children
• Teaching Ethnic Languages - Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu.
• Offering High School Credits
We also offer translations, proof reading and related services also.